Bubble Sort(Descending) of Tuple in Python

Write a program that sorts a list of tuple-elements in descending order of Points using Bubble sort. The tuple-elements of the list contain following information about different players: (PlayerNo, Playername, Points) Sample content of the list before sorting: [(103, Ritika, 3001), (104, John, 2819), (101, Razia, 3451), (105, Tarandeep, 2971) ] After sorting the list would be like: [ (101, Razia, 3451), (103, Ritika, 3001), (105, Tarandeep, 2971), (104, John, 2819) ]


Raki Adhikary

1/30/20231 min read

# Sample list of tuple-elements

players = [(103, "Ritika", 3001), (104, "John", 2819), (101, "Razia", 3451), (105, "Tarandeep", 2971)]

# Bubble sort algorithm to sort the list in descending order of Points

n = len(players)

for i in range(n):

for j in range(0, n-i-1):

# Compare the points of adjacent tuple-elements

if players[j][2] < players[j+1][2]:

# Swap if the points of the current tuple-element are less than the next one

players[j], players[j+1] = players[j+1], players[j]

# Print the sorted list

print("Sorted list of players by points (descending order):")

for player in players:


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